Our Constitution is Currently Suspended until a Committee is re-elected.
1. Name: The Group shall be known as DORSET RAMBLERS.
2. Purpose of the Group.
To develop and manage the programme and activities of Dorset Ramblers.
To promote:
a) the peaceful enjoyment and appreciation of the countryside and its settlements;
b) informal social interaction and friendship;
c) health and well-being through moderate physical exercise;
d) the use, maintenance, retention and creation of public rights of way.
3. Powers.
To pursue any action or activity which is lawful and necessary to achieve the purpose,
including but not exclusively:
a) to raise money by fund-raising, donations, membership subscriptions, legacies, grants, sales or any other lawful method
b) to offer a programme of activities and events for members
c) to co-operate with other walking groups within Dorset and beyond
4. Membership.
a) Ordinary membership of Dorset Ramblers shall be open to anyone over 18 who is interested in helping the group to achieve its aims.
b) Every member shall have one vote at general meetings.
c) The Management Committee shall have the power to recommend other categories of
membership to an Annual General Meeting (AGM) or Special General Meeting (SGM).
Ratification of such recommendations would be subject to Article 14 below.
d) The Management Committee shall have the power to refuse membership to an applicant
where it is considered such membership would be detrimental to the aims, purposes or
activities of the group.
e) Termination of membership:
i) Any member of the group may resign his/her membership by giving notice in writing to
the Secretary of Dorset Ramblers.
ii) The Committee may, by resolution passed at a meeting thereof, terminate or suspend the
membership of any member if, in its opinion, his/her conduct is prejudicial to the interests and objects of the group, provided that the member shall have the right to be heard by
the Committee before the final decision is made.
5. Subscription. Membership fees shall be reviewed by the Managing Committee on an annual basis
and any proposed changes shall be put before an Annual General Meeting.(AGM) or Special
General Meeting (SGM) for ratification.
6. Committee duties. There shall be a Managing Committee comprising three executive officers, a
Chairman, a Secretary and a Treasurer, and up to five other members elected annually at the
Annual General Meeting . They shall serve for the next year, and will retire at the next AGM, but
may be re-elected, save that the chairman shall not serve a period of more than three consecutive
years. The Committee shall provide general management and direction of the funds and affairs of
the group. It shall be empowered to co-opt replacement Committee members should vacancies
occur and to establish sub-committees at its discretion. The Committee may co-opt persons with
specialist knowledge or experience but such persons shall not serve as committee members or
have any voting rights.
7. General Meetings. The quorum at all general meetings shall be one tenth of the membership.
At least 21 days notice shall be given to all members of an Annual or Special General Meeting
stating the date time and venue together with the AGENDA. The AGM shall receive the annual
audited accounts, elect the Officers and the Committee and consider any proposals that have
been notified to the secretary and appear in the notice of summons to the meeting.
8. Committee meetings. The Committee may meet at any time but must meet at least three times a
year. Four members shall constitute a quorum. The Committee must meet within 14 days of the
receipt of a request for a special general meeting of the group signed by at least ten members.
8a.If a committee member has a conflict of interest they must declare it and withdraw from the
meeting while the matter is being discussed or decided.
9. Nominations. For the positions of Honorary Executive Officers and members of the Committee
nominations must be made by members of the group in writing and be with the secretary at least
seven days before the annual general meeting. If there are more nominations than vacancies,
election shall be by ballot at the meeting and overseen by 2 members not being part of the retiring
committee and not standing for election.
10. Procedure. All questions / proposals arising at any meeting shall be decided by a simple majority
of those present and voting. In the case of an equality of votes the chairman shall have a casting
11. Minutes. A record of all meetings shall be kept in a minute book by the secretary.
12. Finance. all funds and assets in the possession of the group shall be held, paid and applied as the
committee may direct, within the objects of the group. Pending such direction the funds shall be
held in a separate bank account in the name of the group. All cheques drawn on that account shall
be signed by any two of the officers or by one officer and any committee member nominated and
so authorised for the purpose by the committee. Committee members cannot receive any money
or property from the group, except the refund of authorised administration costs or of reasonable
out of pocket expenses.
13. An Auditor shall be appointed by the Annual General Meeting. No committee member may serve
as an auditor.
14. Alteration of this constitution shall require a two thirds majority of members present and voting at
a Special General Meeting of the group, convened for the purpose. Notice of any suggested
alteration shall be given to the Committee in accordance with the procedure set out in Clause 8.
15. Winding up. The group may be dissolved by resolution passed by two thirds majority of those
present and voting at a special general meeting convened for the purpose for which notice of 21
days shall be given to all members. Such a resolution may give instruction for the disposal of any
assets held by the group, provided that sufficient property be retained to discharge all the group's
debts. Any assets remaining shall be transferred to a group with similar purposes to this group.
16. Data Protection Act. Each member shall be deemed to have given consent, for the purpose of the
Act, for his or her name, address and telephone number and, where given, e mail address to be
recorded in any data processing or media system available to the officers.
17. Interpretation. The meaning of this constitution shall be interpreted by the committee at its
complete discretion.
This constitution was adopted on 20/10/2018