General Data Protection Regulations 2018
Dorset Ramblers keeps a database of all Members with contact information to enable us to inform you of our walks programme, social events and meetings (such as the AGM).
The 2018 Data Protection legislation requires us to secure your permission to hold and use this information.
Please complete and return the permission slip sent with your membership form as soon as possible stating whether or not you consent for your personal information to be held and used by us for the stated purposes.
What data is stored?
• Name
• Address
• Telephone Number(s)
• Email address
What is the data used for?
• To maintain a register of Members
• To notify you of walks, social events and formal meetings
• To alert you to any changes in our programme which may affect you
Security. We will safeguard your personal information and take appropriate steps to protect it. It will not in any circumstance be shared with any third party without your written consent and will not be used for any purpose other than those stated. It is stored on the overseas email service (MailChimp) which is password protected and is certified with EU-US Privacy Shield Framework and the Swiss-US Privacy Shield Framework.
How long is the data held for?
• Data will be held as long as you are a subscribing Member but will be deleted after six months if the due date for subscription in a particular year is not met.
How can I ask for changes?
By writing, or by using the contact us section, to the Data Protection Manager at Dorset Ramblers.
You can • Ask to see the data we hold about you
• Request any changes to the data
• Ask that your record be deleted